Below you will find our step-by-step GIF series, and at the bottom of the page our tutorial video.
4 / 7. Throwing
Take the handsticks in your hands and lay the two ends of the flowerstick on top of them.
2. Throwing up
Toss/ throw the flower stick up horizontally, then catch it. Bounce your hands while you do this. Follow the movement of the flowerstick.
3. Rotated throwing
Toss/ throw the flowerstick up, but this time swing harder with one of the handsticks so that the flowerstick can make a circle in the air.
4. Small throwing from Tic-Tac
During tilting (Tic-Tac), at one stage toss/ throw the flowerstick upwards harder, then – after it has made a circle in the air – continue the Tic-Tac.
5. Big throwing from Tic-Tac
This time, toss/ throw it harder. The closer to the centre you swing (hit) the flowerstick, the higher it will fly. If you swing (hit) closer to the end, it will make it spin faster.
6. Throwing from helicopter
While doing the helicopter, lift/ push a larger one on the CENTER of the flowerstick, then continue to do the helicopter.
Advanced level
7. Throwing from one handed spin
In a one-handed spin, toss/ throw the flowerstick upwards when it is in horizontal position. When tossing, aim for the centre of the flowerstick.
8. Throwing with right & left hand
When you feel you’re out of challenges with your stronger hand, try throwing with the other hand too. It creates some great tricks 🙂
#4 Tutorial video - Throwing
About Throwing
There are also many important flowerstick movements in the throw. In short: Keep it, throw it, catch it! Try to get a better feel for the weight, grip and balance of the stick.
Common mistake:
Many people think they are great at throwing when they can throw the flowerstick high. However, this is only half the battle at best. Because the important thing is that you can catch it afterwards. So it’s worth trying with smaller throws first, and then, when you’re also confident in catching, switching to higher throws.
If you want to make the throw really impressive, try to combine it with other tricks. For example, tossing up from a one-handed spin, and then continuing with another trick as continuously as possible after the catch.
Additional - recommended - tricks
If you’re already good at this trick, or just want to practice something else, try the following tricks